P90X2 pre-orders are right around the corner. Starting September 1st, you will be able to pre-order P90X2 through a Team Beachbody Coach, like myself. P90X2 is going to be ground breaking. This program combines the latest in sports science with the intensity we have come to love with P90X. If your looking to Run Faster, […]
The second free workout that you will receive if you pre-order P90X2 is One on One: Upper Body Balance. This is one that I have been doing for quite some time now, and I absolutely love it. It is a great one to do on a misc day when you want to hit up your […]
P90x2 pre-orders will receive 2 extra workouts that you can put into your P90X2 schedule. One is One on One: 4 Legs is one of these workouts. I wanted to give everyone and idea of what they can expect from this workout and why it will be a good addition to your P90X2 schedule. And […]
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter than you might have seen me refer to my Chest X 2.0 workout that I do typically on Saturdays. Noting the obvious, Chest X 2.0 is a second version of a chest routine that I have been doing lately. If you are wondering what this is and […]
Here is all the latest information about P90X2. This was taken from a Webinar with Tony Horton, Steve Edwards (director of results since 2001),and the Beachbody team. I set this up as kinda a question and answer format, so keep reading and your P90X2 questions might be answered. Below you will find out pricing for […]
If you haven’t heard by now, P90X2 is coming this December but there will be one thing missing when you get the program…Cardio! That’s right, there is not going to be a Cardio X2 or Kenpo X2 in P90X2. Before you get disappointed, let me first say that there is a method to the madness. […]
“How do I lose belly fat” is a question that I get constantly. Whether it be from men looking for a 6-pack to women looking to look good in a bathing suit, it seems like everyone wants to lose weight around their belly. I have heard people doing crunches till they can’t move, taking fat […]
There hasn’t been a ton of talk about what equipment will be needed with P90X2 so I wanted to clear up any misconceptions. As you have seen in the P90X2 Trailer and previews that I have posted, there are some extra equipment requirements that go beyond P90X. P90X2 will take you fitness to the next […]
Brian has been apart of the Get Ripped At Home Crew for over a year now and has seen some great results. I showed some of his pics after P90X a few months ago and he got some great responses. He continued to Bring it by doing Insanity and lost even more body fat. He […]
The last of our P90X2 workout previews is X2 Recovery and Mobility. This is taking the place of Stretch X from P90X. This workout will be a lot shorter and will incorporate a Foam Roller. Foam Rolling was something that I wasn’t that aware of until my P90X2 rehearsals. It is something that I absolutely […]
Legs and Back in P90X was, and still is, the toughest workout for me. P90X2 is going to include these two muscle groups again in a workout now called Base and Back. Base and Back looks to be a little different from Legs/Back from P90X. From what I am hearing, Base and Back is going […]
“Do I really need to do the Yoga to get results?” is a questions that I hear on a daily basis. I know that we love to hate yoga, especially during phase 1. Why? probably because we suck at it. We don’t like doing things we aren’t very good at. Yoga is a totally different […]
I promised that I would keep you all updated on the latest news on the P90X2 home front. Well, we have gotten the pre-order date. Carl Daileler, the CEO of Beachbody, announced via twitter that pre-orders for new P90X2 program will begin on Sept. 1st, 2011. That means that you will be able to ensure […]
“I hate it but I love it”…familiar words to you? If you have been doing P90X you will be well aware of that concept in regards to Ab Ripper X. P90X2 Ab Ripper X2 or X2 Ab Ripper, is going to be a new version of the much loved/hated (in a good way) Ab Ripper […]
Summer is here and that means it’s usually time to travel, vacation and take some time to see the world. So I have been getting asked about how people can stay fit and healthy on the road while they travel. I had the opportunity to put myself through this test recently when I took a […]
Good old Yoga…I know it’s your favorite workout from P90X right? I know that some of you are saying no while others might agree. Whether you hate it or love it, or both ;), you can’t deny that Yoga is an essential part of P90X. P90X2 wouldn’t be a sequel to P90X if it […]
X2 Total Body workout is one of the new workouts coming to P90X2. Since there was no Total Body workout in P90X besides Core Synergistics we don’t really know a whole lot about what is in the workout…until now. This P90X2 preview video shows some killer moves in X2 Total Body. As you can tell […]
As I move through the list of workout previews, the next one I wanted to show was X2 Core from the new P90X2. X2 Core is basically the new Core Synergistics workout. If you have done P90X you will be very familiar with Core Synergistics during your “Recovery” week. Little did we all know that […]
P90X2 Shoulders and Arms is P90X‘s Shoulders and Arms workout taken to the next level. Tony Horton has stepped it up a notch by making these exercise more challenge by adding instability as well as adding ways to strengthen your shoulders through rehab type exercise. Even though Shoulders and Arms might be a familiar workout […]
Devlin proves that you can completely change your lifestyle and become a whole new person. His P90X transformation is incredible. He did it all, lost a ton of weight by running and eating better. As he continued to run he had trouble gaining healthy muscle mass so he committed to P90X for the full 90 […]