P90X2 P.A.P. Upper and Lower are two of the workouts that make P90X2 different than P90X. As Carl Daikeler said “P90X2 will be the most scientifically advanced workouts on the market.” P.A.P. or Post Activation Potentiation is the reason for this. As you will see in the video below, Dr. Marcus Elliot and the folks […]
P90X2 is adding a whole new element to its workout arsenal, core strength. Having great core strength will allow you to have better balance, be able to preform more efficiently and also give you more power. P90X2 Balance and Power will do just that. It focuses on form, balance, core stability, which allows you to […]
When my Fiance wanted to change things up from her regular routine I suggested she try ChaLEAN Extreme. I had heard many great things from those who had done it but never tried it myself. Having been a fan of P90X but not wanting to do so many pull ups, I figured this would be […]
The second preview that I wanted to show everyone from P90X2 is the workout Plyocide. Plyocide is the successor to Plyometics from P90X. In the upcoming P90X2, Plyo is taken to the next level. There are added weight and different moves that are going to make you take your jumping to the next level. Just […]
One of the biggest announcements coming out the coaching summit this year is the release of a P90X iPhone App. P90X has now becoming something a a cultural fitness phenomenon so it would only make sense that beachbody would bring it (mind the pun) to the iPhone. I knew that they were working on a […]
The greatest part of the coach summit P90X2 preview was being able to get a sneak preview of 12 out of the 14 workouts that will be coming in P90X2. Since I was glued to the screen with my handy dandy video camera, you will be able to see them all. I decided to show […]
One of the most exciting announcements about P90X2 at the coach summit was that there was going to be a whole new nutrition guide that will come with the program. As someone who holds nutrition in very high regard, I was very pleased to find out that P90X2 nutrition guide will be a culmination of […]
Yesterday at the Team Beachbody Coach Summit, Carl Daikler and Tony Horton announced the official name of the new P90X program coming out this fall. It’s official…P90X2 is coming! If you have been f0llowing this blog you have see a couple of previews that I posted about some of the new ideas coming in P90X2, […]
If you have emailed me to ask for tips, tricks, and nutritional advise, one of the first things I always ask to know are your stats. Height, Weight, and age are very important stats to determining what nutritional approach is correct for you but one of the most important stat to determining your proper nutrition […]
If you have been subscribing to the P90X One on Ones than you might have gotten P.A.P in the mail last month. I haven’t done a review on the One on Ones for a while now but I wanted to make sure I did this one because it is totally different than the past P90X […]
All I can say is wow…these first 4 days have felt like a week already. I have been impressed with the level of variety that the Insanity Asylum workouts have had. Each workout brings something different to the table. I was a little afraid that they would all feel too similar but I am pleasantly […]
Well, I have officially started Insanity Asylum and so far I am pretty impressed. Since I am a P90X guy I was a little bit skeptical about a 30 day cardio driven program but I was very pleased to find out that Shaun T was incorporating a Strength routine and pull up bar into the […]
P90X result stories make my day. Keith has had a great one. Stressed out at a job he wasn’t happy with took a major toll on Keith’s health and fitness. He had tried P90X once and quit due to excuses, but decided to recommit to it and got tremendous results. This is a great example […]
In case you didn’t know, I love my iPhone. Technology can be a great thing. Especially if it makes our lives easier. But did you know that you can also make your nutrition and training easier with apps? Yep, apps for fitness are abundant now. There are a lot of good ones out there that […]
It’s Official! Insanity: The Asylum has officially been released exclusively through coaches 10 days early! I already ordered mine and am super excited to take it for a spin for the next 30 days. Initial reviews from those “on the inside” have said it to be the toughest routine they have ever done. […]
One of the top questions I get from my team members is, which supplements can I use to gain mass with P90X? I finally decided write about some of the supplements that I have seen to have the greatest results with gaining mass. Proper supplementation is definitely something that I attribute my results to but […]
Insanity the Asylum is almost here and I am getting extremely excited to see what Shaun T has in-store for us this time around. Those of you who have tried Insanity know that Shaun T doesn’t mess around. Asylum takes the same concept of Insanity and turns it up to another level. Word on the […]
Last week I had the privilege to be apart of the filming for P90X2. I was lucky enough to be in 2 of the new workouts entitled Chest/Back + Balance and V-Sculpt. For those of you who follow me on facebook you might have noticed that my workouts changed from when I first announced that […]
As some of you may know I am getting ready to be apart of the P90X2 cast. Shooting starts this week so I am preparing by making sure my diet is 100% clean, that I am getting enough sleep, and I am preparing for the 2 workouts that I will be in. As of right […]
Ted is a great all around guy and is now part of my team of coaches. He had fallen into the “let myself go” category after getting caught up with work and travel. That is until he picked up P90X again and committed to it 100%. His P90X results were unbelievable. I hadn’t seen him […]