22 Min Hard Core Out Now! #GETSOME 22 Min Hard Corps BASE KIT $39.90 22 Min Hard Corps Deluxe Kit $79.90 22 Min Hard Corps Challenge Pack – $140! Get “Boot Camp Fit” in only 8 weeks! Now you can “Get Some and Get Done!“—in 22 minutes a day with the quick, military-inspired, no-nonsense workout […]
Before P90X®, there was a revolutionary weight loss and body transformation program that started it all—Power 90®. Now featuring redesigned, cutting-edge routines, welcome to Power 90 reimagined . . . the NEW P90® workout. Now you don’t have to go to the extreme to get dramatic, visible results! Tony Horton’s all-new 90-Day Body Transformation for […]
P90X3′s Muscle Acceleration—30min WORKOUTS – the ultimate EXCUSE-BUSTER. “I took everything I learned from P90X and P90X2—coupled it with new science that shows intense 30-minute workouts can get you in better shape faster—and slammed it all into overdrive. The result? Short, targeted, intense workouts that take just 30 minutes—but leave you looking like you’ve been tearing it up in […]
Looks like we can now talk about what Tony Horton, the creator of P90X, has been up to…P90X3 has been announced (though I believe by mistake.) There wasn’t much info released about P90X3 but there is a quick P90X3 Preview & Release date. It looks as though P90X3 will be released THIS WINTER! Which […]
Beachbody hasn’t even officially announced this yet but it looks as though it is being released a day before the announcement. Beachbody has a new pre-workout supplement called E&E Energy and Endurance Pre-Workout Formula, that you can use for P90X, P90X2, Insanity, Asylum, TurboFire, etc! I am super excited to try it. I already ordered […]
One thing that a lot of people struggle with is getting enough motivation to do abs after a long workout. Ab Ripper X is put into the P90X schedule 3 days a week to help strengthen your core so you can start to get those 6 pack abs that everyone is after. If you follow […]
In case you have been living under a rock these last couple months, you might not have heard that there is a brand new sequel to P90X coming out this called P90X2. P90X2 is a fitness program designed for those who are already in decent shape, that are looking to take their health and fitness […]
In case you missed it because of all the Halloween festivities going on, Tony Horton was on the Doctor Oz show today! This is pretty huge because Doctor Oz is a leader in the health industry and a advocate of good nutrition and exercise. His show took Oprah’s time slot and has been a huge […]
Once again I stumbled upon a great article that I wanted to pass on to all of you. Tony Horton wrote on the Huffington Post about the benefits of Fitness and how it can change your life if you let it. I know that some of you struggle with your health/fitness. It becomes something that […]
Lots of you know that I have been working out with Tony Horton and the beach crew for the last couple years now. The beach workout is a workout we do down at the beach where there are gymnastic style equipment that we can use to help test our strength and endurance. I like to […]
It will come to no surprise to most of you that Tony Horton is my health and fitness mentor. So when he talks, I listen. Today I came across a great little post that he wrote on the dos and don’ts of health and fitness that I wanted to share with everyone. I was going […]
The second preview that I wanted to show everyone from P90X2 is the workout Plyocide. Plyocide is the successor to Plyometics from P90X. In the upcoming P90X2, Plyo is taken to the next level. There are added weight and different moves that are going to make you take your jumping to the next level. Just […]
One of the biggest announcements coming out the coaching summit this year is the release of a P90X iPhone App. P90X has now becoming something a a cultural fitness phenomenon so it would only make sense that beachbody would bring it (mind the pun) to the iPhone. I knew that they were working on a […]
Every year, Beachbody put’s on a major event where Coaches come together, hear about new products, listen to great speakers, and have a great time. This Year’s Coach Summit was no exception. This was the 2nd coach summit that I have attended. I was amazed by the growth of the Team Beachbody network of coaches. […]
One of the most exciting announcements about P90X2 at the coach summit was that there was going to be a whole new nutrition guide that will come with the program. As someone who holds nutrition in very high regard, I was very pleased to find out that P90X2 nutrition guide will be a culmination of […]
Yesterday at the Team Beachbody Coach Summit, Carl Daikler and Tony Horton announced the official name of the new P90X program coming out this fall. It’s official…P90X2 is coming! If you have been f0llowing this blog you have see a couple of previews that I posted about some of the new ideas coming in P90X2, […]
If you have been subscribing to the P90X One on Ones than you might have gotten P.A.P in the mail last month. I haven’t done a review on the One on Ones for a while now but I wanted to make sure I did this one because it is totally different than the past P90X […]
Yesterday, the man himself, Tony Horton spoke on a national team beachbody call about the important lessons he has learned lately in regards to his own health and fitness. For those of you who haven’t assigned me as your coach and don’t receive my weekly newsletters then you probably are unaware that Tony has […]
As most of you know, I am a HUGE P90X guy. So whenever Tony Horton (the creator of P90X) says something I take notice and listen. I saw this today from him and I wanted to post it here so everyone could get a nice reality check when it comes to your health/fitness. We all […]
As some of you may know I am getting ready to be apart of the P90X2 cast. Shooting starts this week so I am preparing by making sure my diet is 100% clean, that I am getting enough sleep, and I am preparing for the 2 workouts that I will be in. As of right […]