You have completed P90X and got ripped. Did rounds of P90X2 and took your athleticism to new heights. You even took on the P90X3 accelerated challenge and came out on top. What now? What could possibly challenge this time? I have you answer.. the Ultimate P90X / P90X2 / P90X3 Hybrid Schedule. I took my […]
P90X3′s Muscle Acceleration—30min WORKOUTS – the ultimate EXCUSE-BUSTER. “I took everything I learned from P90X and P90X2—coupled it with new science that shows intense 30-minute workouts can get you in better shape faster—and slammed it all into overdrive. The result? Short, targeted, intense workouts that take just 30 minutes—but leave you looking like you’ve been tearing it up in […]
Looks like we can now talk about what Tony Horton, the creator of P90X, has been up to…P90X3 has been announced (though I believe by mistake.) There wasn’t much info released about P90X3 but there is a quick P90X3 Preview & Release date. It looks as though P90X3 will be released THIS WINTER! Which […]