You have completed P90X and got ripped. Did rounds of P90X2 and took your athleticism to new heights. You even took on the P90X3 accelerated challenge and came out on top. What now? What could possibly challenge this time? I have you answer.. the Ultimate P90X / P90X2 / P90X3 Hybrid Schedule. I took my […]
Now that most of my Get Ripped At Home X2 Crew has finished P90X2 classic schedule they are looking to hybrid it with P90X. I decided to write up a P90X/P90X2 schedule that will incorporate a P90X2 graduates needs, while getting in almost every workout that is offered. There are so many great workouts in […]
This last weekend, I was invited to be one of the first 50 people to get a P90X certification. It was a great learning experience and a fantastic time all around. We learned everything there is to know about the ins and outs of P90X, the Science behind why Muscle confusion works, energy systems, muscular […]
Troy’s fitness journey isn’t a likely one. Troy was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at the age of 17. He decided that once he got well he was going to take his life back…and he did. Troy was lucky enough to be introduced to P90X from a friend. He used P90X, P90X+, Insanity and Asylum […]
If you think you can’t completely change your health and fitness with a Home workout program, think again. Nick was out of shape, eating terribly and feeling the effects in his life. Once he decided to change his life and stop making excuses there was no stopping him. He committed himself to a healthy diet […]
I think Chad has answered the question whether or not you can gain mass with P90X. Wow! Chad decided to make a change in his life and went for it. His P90X results prove how you can completely change your body type with a program like this. Not only that but he also improved in […]
Today is the day! The P90X app is now available on the app store for the iPhone. I have already downloaded it myself but I haven’t had the chance to dive and and see all of the features yet. I will be posting a P90X app review in the coming days so be on the […]
In case you have been living under a rock these last couple months, you might not have heard that there is a brand new sequel to P90X coming out this called P90X2. P90X2 is a fitness program designed for those who are already in decent shape, that are looking to take their health and fitness […]
You have purchased P90X or have already begun the program. You have seen the infomercial and the stories online but you wonder, how did these people get the results that they did? As a Beachbody and P90X coach I am here to help. I have comprised 5 simple rules for you to get the most […]
Most of you who are going through P90X ask me what supplements I recommend. Shakeology is on the top of my list. When I started P90X back in January of 2009, I didn’t have Shakeology because it wasn’t created yet. Since it has been created I have been taking it and reaping the benefits. Both […]
Talk about a full body transformation! Jarret, took to P90X and Insanity and got insane results. I was amazed when I saw what he has done in this short time. It just goes to show that no matter where you start, you can turn your life around through these fitness programs and a good […]
I have been doing P90X and other Beachbody programs since January of 2009. In that time frame, I have completed 8 “rounds” of P90X and P90X Hybrids. Back when I first started I was 150lbs and 16% body fat. After my first 90 days I had gone up to 158-160 lbs and had my body […]
Pullups are considered to be one of the best exercises in all of fitness…and it’s for good reason. They work almost every major upper body muscle group and are a great test of strength. If you have done P90X then you know that pullups are a big part of the program. The problem is that […]
Brian has been apart of the Get Ripped At Home Crew for over a year now and has seen some great results. I showed some of his pics after P90X a few months ago and he got some great responses. He continued to Bring it by doing Insanity and lost even more body fat. He […]
“Do I really need to do the Yoga to get results?” is a questions that I hear on a daily basis. I know that we love to hate yoga, especially during phase 1. Why? probably because we suck at it. We don’t like doing things we aren’t very good at. Yoga is a totally different […]
Devlin proves that you can completely change your lifestyle and become a whole new person. His P90X transformation is incredible. He did it all, lost a ton of weight by running and eating better. As he continued to run he had trouble gaining healthy muscle mass so he committed to P90X for the full 90 […]
One of the biggest announcements coming out the coaching summit this year is the release of a P90X iPhone App. P90X has now becoming something a a cultural fitness phenomenon so it would only make sense that beachbody would bring it (mind the pun) to the iPhone. I knew that they were working on a […]
If you have emailed me to ask for tips, tricks, and nutritional advise, one of the first things I always ask to know are your stats. Height, Weight, and age are very important stats to determining what nutritional approach is correct for you but one of the most important stat to determining your proper nutrition […]
P90X result stories make my day. Keith has had a great one. Stressed out at a job he wasn’t happy with took a major toll on Keith’s health and fitness. He had tried P90X once and quit due to excuses, but decided to recommit to it and got tremendous results. This is a great example […]
One of the top questions I get from my team members is, which supplements can I use to gain mass with P90X? I finally decided write about some of the supplements that I have seen to have the greatest results with gaining mass. Proper supplementation is definitely something that I attribute my results to but […]