One thing that a lot of people struggle with is getting enough motivation to do abs after a long workout. Ab Ripper X is put into the P90X schedule 3 days a week to help strengthen your core so you can start to get those 6 pack abs that everyone is after. If you follow […]
The second free workout that you will receive if you pre-order P90X2 is One on One: Upper Body Balance. This is one that I have been doing for quite some time now, and I absolutely love it. It is a great one to do on a misc day when you want to hit up your […]
P90x2 pre-orders will receive 2 extra workouts that you can put into your P90X2 schedule. One is One on One: 4 Legs is one of these workouts. I wanted to give everyone and idea of what they can expect from this workout and why it will be a good addition to your P90X2 schedule. And […]
If you have been subscribing to the P90X One on Ones than you might have gotten P.A.P in the mail last month. I haven’t done a review on the One on Ones for a while now but I wanted to make sure I did this one because it is totally different than the past P90X […]