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GetRippedAtHome Now Mobile Compatible!

I have made a couple “Behind the Scenes” changes over the last week or so to make better and better.  I have been finding that more and more people have been checking the site on a daily basis, asking questions and leaving comments.  I wanted to make it as easy as possible for those who are on the go, like me, to have access to the site and the information on it.  So, I just recently made it mobile compatible.  That means you can now access on your mobile device!

I have only tried it on my iPhone but should now be optimized for just about any mobile browser.  This is still a work in progress but I think that the mobile version is very easy to navigate and should load much more quickly than trying to load the desktop version.

Some of the things you can now do are, easily leave comments.  Each post as an easy comment section where you can ask me any questions have you on the particular post.  You can also access any of the pages through the menu system as well as search the site for info as well.  It isn’t quite perfected yet but I think it is a pretty good layout.  I have also added home buttons, so if you decide you want to create a shortcut on your phone, you will see our logo icon right on your home screens.  It should also work for iPhone 4s higher resolution.

There will be some issues with seeing certain videos and buttons.  So I will try my best to make everything mobile compatible from now on.  HTML5 is the preferred format for all iPhone users so I will do my best to make sure all of the videos are not flash based.

So here is where you come in.  Let me know what you think!  Log onto with your cell phone and let me know your opinion on the layout, design and accessibility.  Comment below with your opinions and I will try my best to make the appropriate changes to it!  Android users, please let me know how it looks.