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Protein Powder: Part 1

Protein Powder: Part 1

With protein powder being one of the most bought supplements on the market, and one of the most asked about supplements with people doing P90X, I wanted to quickly help educate everyone on the different types. Looking at the ingredients list on a protein powder can be like reading a different language. It is usually […]

P90X Foods

P90X Foods

P90X Foods If you have tried P90X then you know how tough the workouts are.  You should also know that you need the right nutrition in order to get the most out of the program.  The P90X nutrition guide is a great source of information to help you achieve your desired results.  Some people like […]

8 Foods to Boost Your Metabolism with P90X

8 Foods to Boost Your Metabolism with P90X

If you spend any time perusing the fashion mags and tabloid rags in the supermarket checkout line, you’ll see a wide array of articles claiming to have discovered the latest “miracle food” that will burn off the pounds while you sit on your butt and eat. Well, sadly, the news isn’t quite that good. Without […]

P90X Nutrition: What Foods Do I Eat?

P90X Nutrition: What Foods Do I Eat?

The key to success with any fitness program is nutrition.  P90X Nutrition isn’t as complicated as you might think.  Knowing what to eat, how much and when are questions I get almost everyday.  My belief is that extreme results come from 80% nutrition and 20% intense workout.  Fortunately, for those of you looking for a […]

Should I work out while I’m Sick?

Should I work out while I’m Sick?

Flu season has come and for some it is still lingering.  For me this cold/flu season has been tough.  Until recently I hadn’t been sick for 2 years.  I attribute it to eating well, exercising (think you P90X and Tony Horton), getting plenty of rest and listening to my body.  Unfortunately I didn’t listen to […]

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