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Insanity Asylum Preview

I had the privilege to be on a Team Beachbody call with Shaun T, to hear him talk about his upcoming New Fitness Program Insanity Asylum.  Asylum is going to take the intensity of Insanity and focuses it more on sports oriented training.  Specifically things to help with Speed, Agility, Strength and Power.  Shaun T also talked about reveling his resistance training in Asylum.  Which I am super excited to see.  If you haven’t seen him lately he is looking shredded so I am sure his routine is going to be tough.

Here’s a quick video preview of the upcoming Asylum workout program if you haven’t seen it yet.  It will be very sports-specific, very intense, and will involve more equipment than Insanity.  Shaun T with access to pullup bars — that looks BRUTAL!

Shaun T. said it should be released by the end of March.  So it should be coming very soon!  You can get on the email list so you’ll know as soon as it comes out, and of course I will let everyone know on as well!  Get ready to DIG DEEP … REAL DEEP!


And here Shaun T. talks about Asylum and his perspective on it:

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait!!  Asylum will take us to a whole new level!