This last weekend, I was invited to be one of the first 50 people to get a P90X certification. It was a great learning experience and a fantastic time all around. We learned everything there is to know about the ins and outs of P90X, the Science behind why Muscle confusion works, energy systems, muscular adaptations, muscles, bones, the kinetic chain, how to modify and cue each move properly, and how to customize P90X for any age, shape, size, or goal. As someone who has done 9 rounds of P90X, I thought I knew all there was to know…boy was I wrong. The science behind this program is absolutely spot on. It’s no wonder why so many people have gotten into the best shape of their lives with P90X.
We sat through lectures, got hands on training, and also got to do a workout with Tony Horton (which was an ass kicker). The 2 days flew by and before we knew it we had to pass both a written and practical exam. It was a ton of fun learning all things P90X for the whole weekend and sharing that experience with others who felt the same way.
I found out last night that I officially passed and received this message in my email:
What this means for all of you is that I am now officially a Certified P90X Professional that can teach P90X One on One, in classes, gyms, and fit clubs. The greatest part though is the new knowledge learned. I can now customize P90X specifically for each goal type. Gaining Mass (Hypertrophy), getting lean, lowing body fat, overall fitness, cardio endurance, etc. I can also help you with your nutrition in more depth as well as be able to modify each move that you are presently struggling with. I now know the science behind the idea of Muscle Confusion, periodation training, and why each week is scheduled the way it is. That also means I can develop better hybrids based on this science as well. The P90X Certification was a “masters” course into P90X and I loved it.
I have been a believer in P90X since the first workout I did back in 2009. This made me even a bigger believer in the whole system and how it has worked for thousands of other people. P90X will truly help you take your health/fitness to the next level. If you would like help with P90X, as a P90X Certified professional, I am now 100% qualified to give you the advise you deserve.
No Matter what your health/fitness goal, (lose fat, gain muscle), I can help you! Click here to join my team for free and get the body you deserve today!