Troy’s fitness journey isn’t a likely one. Troy was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at the age of 17. He decided that once he got well he was going to take his life back…and he did. Troy was lucky enough to be introduced to P90X from a friend. He used P90X, P90X+, Insanity and Asylum to get himself back into unbelievable shape! He focused a ton on his nutrition and truly changed his health and fitness.
Here is Troy’s Incredible story in his own words…
In November of 2009, at 17, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Prior to getting sick, I was a very active and fit kid. I played many sports and never had a need to go to the gym or to work out at all. After a month of chemotherapy and radiation I had lost 10 pounds of muscle mass. After 6 months, I was down 40 pounds. My hockey season playing weight was a lean 180 lbs, I was currently 140. My self esteem was incredibly low, I avoided mirrors and going out in public; something had to be done.
For Christmas in 2010, a friend of mine got P90X as a gift and asked if I would join him to workout. I can’t remember what my original ‘fit-test’ results were, but I know my push ups started in the single digits. The first 90 days were an incredible challenge, but by the time April rolled around I was starting to get my normal body back.
Round 2 was a hybrid with many Beachbody videos. Some P90X+, some 1 on 1′s and Shaun T’s Insanity and Asylum. I saw very noticeable gains in my body composition and fitness levels. By the time summer was over, I was confident in my own skin again. During Round 3, I focused a lot on nutrition and started to eat very clean. I also paid a lot more attention to form on exercises and tempo. This round was purely P90X and was an effort to get me ready for the soon-to-be-released P90X2.
With P90X2, I have employed a carb-cycling technique to my diet, which has been incredibly effective (dropping my BF% to 7) and have really tried to strengthen my lower body and increase my balance and coordination. I still feel as if my fitness journey has only just started and every day I see more room for growth.
My motivation along the way was just to get back to my old self. Once I reach that point, I was hooked and wanted to see more and more improvement. Fitness and nutrition has become a huge part of my life and that is solely because of Beachbody.
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