You know that I use Shakeology on an everyday basis as both a meal replacement and my multivitamin. I keep telling you about all the benefits of the super foods that can be found in Shakeology that provide antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and prebiotics. I talk about the 70+ whole food ingredients that are sourced from local farmers from around the word and they have helped me maintain my energy and good healthy on an everyday basis. But you ask “What’s in Shakeology that makes it so great?”
I decided to start a list of some of the super foods that you can find in Shakeology. Each ingredient has a health benefit that makes it truly the healthiest meal you will eat during the day. I believe in this product not because of my own experience with it but what I have seen it do for others. Here are some of the reasons why…This is part 1 of a 3 part post.
Sacha Inchi: Sacha Inchi contains all the essential fatty acids and has a super high concentration of omega 3. It promotes a balance between omega 3 and 6 so your metabolism can work perfectly. Naturally rich in protein, good fats and fiber, Sacha Inchi acts as a strong natural appetite control and creates benefits you can feel right away. It also helps to speed your metabolism, so you can burn those fewer calories you’ve consumed more efficiently and rapidly. The Sacha Inchi oil is used in Shakeology and it’s a nice alternative to fish oil.
Research at the University of Life Sciences in Prague, in the Czech Republic, reveals that Sacha Inchi is ideal for young and old alike—improving digestion in children and also helping to provide a wide range of benefits for the elderly. International relief agency Oxfam International recently awarded Sacha Inchi oil the Médaille d’Or at their annual AVPA Specialty Foods Commodities competition. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study showing that individuals who consumed the highest levels of omega-3s—a key component of Sacha Inchi-had the strongest bones.
Astragalus Root: The Astragalus plant is actually a cousin of the pea family, with more than 2,000 varieties. In China, they’ve used it since before the time of Christ for therapeutic healing. They tell how it helps strengthen the immune system, increase energy and vitality, and helps keep you young for what seems like forever. It helps to strengthen muscle mass and helps improve your metabolism, circulation, and breathing, while it helps speed healing too.
The journal of Ethnopharmacology recently reported that Astragalus can active immune cells like macrophages. The Journal Rejuvenation Research shows that Astragalus extract can help enhance telomere strength (Telomere loss is a primary cause of aging). UCLA researches are hopeful that using Astragalus extracts can help fight HIV and complications of chronic disease and aging.
Papain: Papain is an enzyme produced by the Papya. The fruit itself is packed with benefits; It’s loaded with Beta-Carotene, Folate, Potassium and Magnesium. It’s antioxidants team with it’s abundance of Vitamin C to help protect your cells, warding off the harmful molecules present in pollution and second-hand smoke. Yet Papain goes a step further, starting with its soothing effect on digestion. It’s been used for centuries in Central America as a natural remedy for indigestion, ulcers, fevers, and swelling. Even for insect bites (wasps, bumblebees, mosquitoes) and sea stings (jellyfish and rays), since it breaks down toxins. That’s why doctors use it here in the USA for some detox programs, and to help promote healthy wound healing.
Clinical oncology trials at the University of Köln in Germany, blending Papain and other enzymes, reduced adverse effects caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Studies at the University of Nigeria revealed papaya extracts combat bacteria . . . and also helps protectagainst kidney failure (as reported in the journal Biology and Medicine). In the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, a University of Florida team revealed that Papain helps slow the proliferation of liver cancer cells.
Wheat Grass: Wheat Grass juice powder is high in chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. We don’t have a lot of ingredients that offer chlorophyll, which may help improve immune health and support detox in the body—starting with the bloodstream. Along with the other components, it helps cleanse your system of impurities, which is an important component of the healing process. A side benefit: It can deodorize the body while helping to promote a healthy metabolism and thyroid function for improved weight control and indigestion. Wheatgrass is loaded with numerous vitamins and other minerals, including 17 amino acids. One of the most promising studies has suggested that Wheat Grass may help chemo patients need less medication.
Purdue University and Brown University joined forces to reserach how the chlorophyll in Wheat grass acts as an antioxidant, antimutegen, mutagen trap, modulator of xenobiotic metabolism, and inducer of apoptosis…with positive results, which were reported in the journal Nutrition Research
Barley Grass: Barley Grass juice powder has been used for centuries to help problems with the skin, liver, blood, and digestive tract. In Asia, Barley tea is a well-known fever remedy. And a recent study in Europe showed that barley may help regulate your blood sugar. Its 18 amino acids (including all eight essentials) complement significant amounts of vitamins and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorous, manganese, zinc, beta
carotene, and vitamins B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6, B-9, and C.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture researched Barley Grass and reported that adding it to the diet “may be effective in lowering total and LDL cholesterol.”
Oat Grass: Oat Grass juice powder has a calming effect on the nerves, helps promote healthy sleep, and can help relieve water retention. It’s useful in numerous therapies for joints, muscles, and bones, and eating oats is a well-known way to promote healthy cholesterol levels—which may reduce your risk of heart disease. Oat grass is also a superb source of protein (as good as soy, in fact). Oats are rich in vitamins, minerals, and all the essential amino acids . . . and if your kids have had the chicken pox, a bad rash, or sunburn, or gotten into some poison ivy, you know about putting them in a bathtub full of oatmeal-based relief.
The effect of Oats on cholesterol is well-documented. One recent study showed when patients at Rush University Medical Center were given a diet intensive in Oats, both their LDL and total cholesterol levels went down…as a response to B-glucan, the water-soluble fiber contained in the Oats.
Kamut: Kamut is actually a branded, specialized type of certified organic Khorasan Wheat, discovered by an American in Egypt about 60 years ago. He imported it to his family’s farm in Montana, and they’ve been perfecting it—through natural means—ever since. It’s high in selenium (crucial for cell activity in your body), as well as protein and other essentials for high energy: zinc, thiamin, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, and complex carbos. Because it’s an ancient grain (not modified by modern agricultural methods), its nutritional content is more robust than most other grains. Its low oxidation levels mean it doesn’t lose much nutritional content when it’s processed.
Writing in Environmental Nutrition, a Leading registered dietician revealed, “Many People with wheat sensitivities report tolerating Kamut better than wheat”.
That does it for part 1 of Shakeology Super foods. Shakeology is gluten free, caffeine free, artificial sweetener free, and the healthiest meal I consume everyday. If you haven’t tried Shakeology yet and would like a free sample, CLICK HERE.
Remember, if you buy a bag to try it for a month, Beachbody is so confident in this product that they will refund your money if you don’t think it lives up to the hype, that’s their “bottom of the bag guarantee”. To order some now, CLICK HERE. And if you order Shakeology, my recommendation is to get it on Home Direct (Monthly Auto), because you save the shipping cost ($10), you get a free shaker cup and 2 free Shakeology workout DVD’s with your second shipment, and you can cancel the order anytime, even after just one shipment.
I’ve been using it for a year, and I credit it for helping me maximize my results with P90X . I never miss a day. That’s how much I believe in this product myself.