If you’re looking for a Shakeology Sample, this is the place!
I’ve been using Shakeology for 10 months now, and I am amazed by how much I love the way it makes me feel! Shakeology is one of the biggest factors in getting my current results and in taking my fitness to the next level. If I could only choose to take 1 supplement to get results it would be Shakeology hands down.
Since I have gotten great results with Shakeology, I started passing out samples to my friends and family. My dad, my fiance and her family and many of our friends are using it on a daily basis and getting amazing results. Weight loss, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and more energy are all results from adding it into their diets. Now, I want to pass this on to the people I coach. That is why I am offering Free Shakeology Samples to everyone on my team on my own dime!
Before I tell you how you can get a Free Shakeology sample, I want you to watch this video to learn more about why Shakeology is so beneficial to your overall health/fitness…no matter what your goals are.
Most people want to try Shakeology, but are hesitant because of the price, as I was at first. However, if you use it as it’s supposed to be used, as a meal replacement, it justifies the cost. For example, I used to go out to eat every day for lunch, spending anywhere from $6-$10 on something that I wasn’t sure was healthy or not. Now, I use Shakeology for lunch or a snack, which comes to about $4 per serving per day, so I’m actually saving money. It makes complete sense! With so many great recipes there are a ton of ways to drink it. Even if you are avid coffee drinker or smoothie person, you can make the switch and save money.
The requirements for receiving a free Shakeology sample are:
1. You must be a member of the Get Ripped At Home Crew. (If you haven’t made me your coach yet, that’s easy, and free. You can join by CLICKING HERE! Then just follow the instructions to fill out the form for a free TeamBeachbody account. Then you will show up on our team. It’s that easy!
2) You haven’t tried Shakeology before and are serious about ordering Shakeology if you like the taste.
Please indicate which flavor you would like (Chocolate, Tropical, or Greenberry). I personally like the Chocolate most. If you are a chocolate lover, go with that! Tropical is also great for a fruity tasting shake. Greenberry is good if you can experiment and find the right recipe for you. My Fiance’s favorite is Greenberry.
Please put your FULL SHIPPING ADDRESS in the “Message” field below (not just your email address — I can’t mail a sample to an email address!).
Thanks for being on our team!
Please Fill out for a Free Shakeology Sample
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If you would like to purchase Shakeology now, click below!
[...] those of you who haven’t tried Shakeology yet, you can get a free sample, if you are already a member on my team, or you can order it with a “Bottom of the Bag [...]
[...] That does it for part 1 of Shakeology Super foods. Shakeology is gluten free, caffeine free, artificial sweetener free, and the healthiest meal I consume everyday. If you haven’t tried Shakeology yet and would like a free sample, CLICK HERE. [...]