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Jarret’s Amazing Results


Talk about a full body transformation!   Jarret, took to P90X and Insanity and got insane results.  I was amazed when I saw what he has done in this short time.  It just goes to show that no matter where you start, you can turn your life around through these fitness programs and a good healthy diet.  Jarret went from being completely out of shape to a whole new person.  Yes, that is the same guy!  The dude is crazy ripped and is doing things he never thought he could do.  I saw him crank out over 80 push ups in 2 mins.  How awesome is that?  Jarret has become a very active member of my fitness group on facebook and is continuing to inspire those around him with his results.  What are you waiting for?  If Jarret can do it so can you!  Here is what Jarret had to say in his own words.

Jarret’s Story in his own words:

I have always been up and down with my weight. I began to gain a lot of weight during my wife’s first pregnancy eight years ago. My weight fluctuated a lot in the Last eight years. I was at my heaviest (275 lbs) in 2005 after my family and I were displaced and lost all that we own due to hurricane Katrina. I am in construction and am a pastor at my local church, which brings me to my transformation story. A missionary from Mexico came to my church and was talking about how important it is to stay fit for the Kingdom of God; especially him and his team who travel a lot by foot. He was talking about being fit and then he did it; threw up the x symbol. I figured if this man can do it then I would give it a try, not just for me and my family but also to be ready for anything or place God may call me to go. I started in January and I weighed over 265 lbs. I started off with dieting and limited p90x a couple time a week. I saw great success just dong as much I could when I could. I did a steady diet and p90x exercise till about may until i got a copy of insanity. I did insanity straight through and saw amazing results. I am 90 percent through the asylum and anxiously awaiting to start p90x again and p90x2. My current weight is 192 lbs. and I am at 9 % Body fat. that is a weight loss of about 73 lbs in 9 months. I will continue to keep hitting play and enjoying being in the best shape of my life. Thanks Beachbody!

Want to ask Jarret how he did it?  You can find Jarret through his website .