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Latest Beachbody News!

This last weekend I attended the Beachbody Leadership Conference that was held locally in Southern California.  This is an event where coaches were able to come together, learn about the new stuff coming up and have a great time in the process.  It was fun to meet other coaches that I have been having conversations with on twitter and facebook over the last few months.  The best part is that it was local so it was an easy drive for me to get down there over the weekend.

The Best part was that they announced some very cool new things that are coming up in the world of Beachbody.  So I wanted to pass along the latest and greatest news to all of you who are about of the Get Ripped at Home Crew.  Some of the details are still yet to be announced but there are some great new products and announcements that are closer than you think.  (I noticed that one of my fellow coaching buddies Wayne posted something similar, but since we were at the same conference it will be similar info ;)  ).

News and Updates from Beachbody:

1.  Tropical Shakeology:  As you already saw from my post a couple days ago, that you can find HERE, you may have seen that the new Tropical Shakeology flavor is now going to be Vegan!  If all goes according to plan (it passes the longevity tests), which it should, then it will be ready for purchase in January 2012.  That’s right around the corner.  Even Carl Daikeler has said that this final formulation tastes awesome…so much so that he switched to Tropical from Chocolate.

2.  P90X2:  This is going to be the biggest launch in Beachbody History.  There are already 46,000 pre orders to date.  This number is growing!  So make sure you have your pre order in as quickly as possible to ensure that you will receive P90X2 with Free Shipping First.  If you haven’t done so yet, you can do it HERE.  Be ready to do P90X2 with me come January 2nd!  When I will be doing a new P90X2 challenge with all of you who join me!

3.  New Program called “Pump”!:  This program is from a trainer named Les Mills who is known for his fitness classes at various corporate gyms.  The program is based on his popular Body Pump Class, that you may have seen if you go to a 24 hour fitness.  The difference is that this takes that popular class and brings it to your home.  You will get 7 workouts, a barbell, weights, and a workout guide.  The program is based on the concept of High Rep and Low weight with a barbell so you get your heart rate high and burn a ton of calories.  In the process you are able to sculpt lean muscle because your lifting weights.  Kinda cool right?  They even said that a typical workout will burn 800-1000 calories.  B doing this you won’t bulk up because of the “rep effect”.

No price has been set yet.  We coaches are speculating that it will be around $200 most likely because of the barbell and weights that come with it.  Which in all actuality is a pretty great deal.  Below is a little video But not the official one yet, Enjoy!



4.  Tai Chi Program Called “Tai Cheng”:  If you saw my post from the Coach Summit back in June, you would have seen me talk about the new Tai Chi program that Beachbody is coming out with.  It is based on the teachings of Tai Chi trainer Mark Cheng.  So they are calling the program “Tai Cheng”….oh you clever Beachbody.  This program will be low impact to no impact and it will focus on re-equilibrating your body.  It will help your posture, stability, strength and coordination.  This will be a great program for those with chronic injuries, that have effected posture or mobility.  It will also be great for the older generations who need a low impact workout to get the blood flowing.  It will be a 90 day program that will promise to get you moving better.

5.  P90X App Update: Yes, it’s still actually coming.  Yes, it will be worth the wait.  It is said that it will be released this Late Fall/Early Winter.  It is all dependent on the review process.  This app will be for iPhone’s only, so if you own an android you will be out of luck for a while.  The app is going to allow you to log your workouts, track your progress, and have digital copies of P90X so you can do it it anywhere!  No more excuses that you are out of town, so you can’t workout!  There will be more details as it’s released so keep checking back.

6.  P90X2 Advanced Workouts are now Available for Pre-Order: Once again, this is news that I already talked about last week but if you missed it, I wanted to bring it up again.  Beachbody has now opened up pre-orders for the 2 Advanced Workouts (V-Sculpt and Chest/Shoulders/Tris X2).  These are the workouts that come with the Deluxe and Ultimate Kits already, but if you ordered the Base Kit then you will want to pick these up, so your not left behind those who bought the Deluxe and Ultimate.  You can Find more info by clicking here = X2 Advanced Workouts.  Remember I am in P90X2 V-Sculpts and Chest/Back + Balance so don’t miss out!!

Beachbody and their products are already making, we are on the cusp of something HUGE as international expansion efforts are in the works.  If you think P90X, Insanity, and Shakeology are big time now, you ain’t seen nothing yet!  Wait until people from around the world can use these products, fall in love with them, change their lives, and inspire others to do the same.  I can’t wait to ride the wave as we keep leading the world in fitness programs, nutritional supplements, and a system to ensure people’s success with them.