Beachbody Coaching Opportunity is finally coming to Canada!
There are some details to understand first, so Please READ THIS WHOLE POST before you assume anything.
I know that many of you have been waiting a long time for this to happen and it was finally announced TODAY! Starting October 1st, Canadians can sign up to become Beachbody Coaches by enerting into the “pre-launch” phase of the process. On OCTOBER 1st, Canadian citizens will be allowed to sign up for the U.S. teambeachbody coaching opportunity.
Canadian citizens can sign up for the U.S. coaching opportunity. This means you will be a teambeachbody coach just like a U.S. citizen would be, and that you will receive commission payments in U.S. dollars and get U.S. tax documents for your coaching business. Once final launch is complete (estimated to be mid 2013), your U.S. Beachbody coaching business will seamlessly transition to a Canada Beachbody coaching business account with Canadian currency, Canadian tax documents, and a Canadian distribution center for your customers. You won’t lose any customers or downline coaches when the full launch happens.
The Canada Beachbody Coaching “Pre-Launch” is simply your opportunity to get started now (october 1st)! Be the first in your area to plug people into challenge groups, get them moving toward a healthy and fit lifestyle, and be able to be their official Canada Beachbody coach!
There are some rules associated with the Canada Beachbody Coaching “Pre-Launch” (things that you can’t do as a Canadian Beachbody coach until full launch is complete in 2013)
That’s it. So as you can see, you now have the long awaited opportunity to be part of the U.S. Beachbody Coach network as a Canada Beachbody Coach! You can grow your base of customers and coaches, and start to tap into an untapped market. I am super stoked that the opportunity is finally here!
As those of you in Canada know, some Beachbody merchandise is available through retail outlets like Walmart. They will continue to stay for the next several months, but Beachbody is planning to phase them out of the retail market as the Canadian network grows. There is simply no substitute for having a coach to hold someone accountable and motivate them to reach their full potential, and that’s what’s been missing with the retail approach … until now! Plus, the teambeachbody price will be LESS than retail in Canada, so you will have the competitive advantage over the “walmarts” with your new Canada Beachbody Coaching business.
All contests like the Beachbody Challenge are open to Canadian citizens and coaches, so you’ll definitely want to encourage the people you coach to enter them and win prizes.
And of course, when you sign up as a coach, I will follow up with you and plug you into our team training to get you off to a roaring start as a Canada Beachbody Coach. There are nearly 90,000 Beachbody coaches in the U.S. right now, and there is still a LOT of room for more. Obesity is an epidemic here. And it is in Canada too. And right now there are 0 Beachbody coaches in Canada. You do the math. What an opportunity!
Remember, you can’t sign up until October 1st. But on October 1st the doors swing wide open! Be ready to take advantage of this MONUMENTAL opportunity if you are passionate about helping people get healthy and fit!
To study more about teambeachbody coaching and decide if it’s a good fit for you, I’ve put some FAQ’s together HERE.
If you want a full FAQ on the specifics of the Canada Beachbody Coaching opportunity (beyond what I’ve shared here) I’ll put that together and post it early next week.
CLICK HERE to sign up for the Canada Beachbody Coaching Opportunity!
email me at and ask to be added to my CANADA COACH email list!