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P90X2 X2 Total Body Workout Preview

X2 Total Body workout is one of the new workouts coming to P90X2.   Since there was no Total Body workout in P90X besides Core Synergistics we don’t really know a whole lot about what is in the workout…until now.  This P90X2 preview video shows some killer moves in X2 Total Body.  As you can tell from previous P90X2 previews there is much more emphasis on functional fitness.  Workouts like X2 Total Body, X2 Core, Balance and Power all look to be workouts that one can use to hit every part of your fitness.  It will be interesting to see how they all come together.  I have an idea of what the schedule will look like but I can’t reveal it quite yet.  What I can tell you is that X2 Total Body will be a killer workout.

The video below shows the P90X2 X2 Total Body workout and some of the variations in the exercises.  Just like the name says, this workout is there to hit every part of your body.  Each move looks like it involves more than one muscle group.  Doing exercises like this do a couple things…First, it allows you to get a “2 for the price of 1″ effect.  For example, not only will you work your biceps but you can also work your legs/glutes at the same time.  Second, it makes your heart rate go way up.  There is a reason why P90X2 has such little cardio…you don’t need it because these workouts will keep your heart rate up the whole time, allowing you to burn body fat and build muscle.  Check out the preview video below



Pretty cool right?  From the video you can see Tony leading the cast in some brand new exercises.  The first one is a shoulder press but it’s mixed with a lunge that allows you to work to major body parts at the same time.  Think that looks easy?  The next exercise is definitely not…Bicep curls while in Warrior 3, ouch.  Can’t wait to try that one.  The next move looks like it’s right up my alley.  It looks like it’s a lever style move but instead of having your legs out, you have them tucked to your chest, which works your abs in a different way from regular levels.  Anyone else go try this out as soon as they watched it?  I did :).  The last move shown is a plyo push up on a balance ball which looks interesting.  You can also see a cast member doing plyo clap push ups instead…so there are obviously some different levels of the moves.  The one with the ball may look easy but trust me, it get’s VERY difficult quickly.  That added balance you need makes a world of difference.   I love how Tony calls himself out and says how Jeremey Yost beats him on that move.

Once again P90X2 is stepping it up to another level.  This workout looks like a complete upgrade to P90X and even P90X+.  I will be excited to try all of these and see how it improves my overall fitness.  Did you catch Tony Horton explaining why P90X2 is only 5 days a week vs P90X 6 day schedule?  It’s because “Everything is involved“.  This allows you to be more functional, especially in a sports setting.  You are not only working the major muscle groups for power and strength but your also working your stabilizers for agility, flexibility and speed.  Everything that an active lifestyle requires as well as your chosen sport or hobby.  Can’t wait till P90X2 comes out!  Why isn’t it Fall yet?


Does X2 Total Body look like a fun P90X2 workout to you?  Are you intimidated or excited to take things to a new level?




  1. [...] X2 Total Body:  Total body workout that it’s up every single body part.  You will do a little bit of everything in this one. [...]