I know that a lot of you were checking your bank account these last 2-3 days waiting for P90X2 to be charged…well the time has come! P90X2 has arrived and is starting to ship for all of you who pre-ordered it these last couple of months. I don’t know about you but I am stoked!
I saw and spoke with Tony about it yesterday while we worked out and he told me that he already delivered the first P90X2 to the drawing winner in Phoenix Arizona. He had said that the winner and his family were very excited. There should be a video of the event being released very soon.
Tony also said that there were over 80,000 pre-orders for P90X2. That is huge! That means there are a ton of people looking to take their health and fitness to the next level. I don’t know about you, but I am definitely ready. The P90X2 exercises that I have already been incorporating into my schedule has already made a huge difference, as you can tell from my round 8 results. The best part is that they are also right on time. I was nervous that they were going to run into problems with the HUGE amount of pre-orders but it looks like we will have P90X2 in our hands in the next week or two. Just in time for Christmas.
Remember that they are shipping on the first come, first serve basis. So if you pre-ordered it right when it was available you should be getting it first. If your account hasn’t been charged yet then you most likely will be by this Friday. If you are charged then it means that it is in the shipping procress, so it should arrive in the next 5-7 days.
Our Get Ripped at Home team, had a ton of pre-orders! Which got me very exited since I will be starting a P90X2 Challenge group or groups starting on January 2nd. So stay tuned for the details. I know that most of you will probably bust open P90X2 right when you get it but try to hold off officially starting till Jan 2nd. I will probably watch the 2 videos that I am in and see how it looks. I’m a little nervous to be honest. Hopefully I don’t come off as annoying…haha.
P90x2 is coming! Are you ready to bring it X2 style?